Here's a little Christmas gift for everyone, Tex Avery's "One Ham's Family". I can't recall the last time I saw this one on TV, even when they actually showed classics, so hopefully it's a nice treat for those who haven't seen it in a long time. Sorry the quality isn't that great. I had a bitch of a time encoding if for some reason. The Tom and Jerry pic is from an old cover of Rexall magazine. Happy Holidays!

"I can't recall the last time I saw this one on TV, even when they actually showed classics, so hopefully it's a nice treat for those who haven't seen it in a long time"
Boomerang aired this one last night (along with a bunch of other Christmas related MGM cartoons. The version that they aired had some DVNR artifacts, though.) on its hourlong Christmas Party special.
Anyways, what a great gem. The Tom and Jerry pic is a nice addition to the post and a good find in general.
Whoops. I accidentally published my comment in Wordpress. Sorry about that, Kevin.
Really? Damn, I don't get Boomerang. I would've like to have seen it along with the other MGM shorts.
I thought this cartoon felt rushed, Like all the action and dialog happen too fast. I love Tex Avery's fast paced, punchy style, but this cartoon didn't have any slower action to contrast it with. Also the dialog is rushed and hard to understand. Still a good cartoon all in all.
Part of that has to be my fault. I tried encoding it a bunch of times using different codecs and the cartoon always came in at about 6 minutes. I don't know enough about encoding to have fixed the problem so I just posted as is. Sorry, it doesn't do the cartoon justice.
I loved this cartoon when I first saw it. What I remember most is the way that little pig's voice sounded and the voice inflections on certain parts of his speech.
Also, not to be inconsiderate, but do you think it's a bad idea to conceive cartoon ideas for existing characters like the Looney Tunes? I always try to stay true to the spirit of the classic shorts, but does that make me unoriginal?
Thank you very much and I hope you had a peaceful Christmas.
This is one of my favourite "voice" characters from Tex's cartoons. The baby pig's.
"I do this sort of thing to him all thru the picture".
"I did this all by my little-self".
Such a funny voice. I wonder if an actual kid did this or an adult.
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