Here's another of my favorite Spike cartoons (notice they're all my favorites?) "Garden Gopher". I scanned some layouts and a model sheet from this short too. I'm not sure who drew the model sheet, Louis Schmitt possibly? Or maybe Walt Clinton, as both of them were drawing model sheets and or layouts around that time. It's a great design though. Silly but still kinda cutesy. It's a shame you can't freeze frame the flash videos, the scene when the gopher is yelling at Spike is really funny. There's so many goofy faces being made that just slip by at full speed. The drawings of Spike during the sledgehammer gag are too funny. I think those are by Grant Simmons, though I'm probably mistaken. Either way they're hilarious. And yes, it's uncut.

Great gags, great animation, great cartoon! Thanks for bringing us more laughs from childhood, Kev!
The gopher, although very cliche, is a very suitable foe. Gophers from other cartoons studios all look relatively the same, but this gopher is unique in his own way. Still, he kinda reminds of a cross between Chip & Dale & Alvin & the Chipmunks.
Spike is probably my favorite Tex Avery character, & I think this happens to be one of his best outings. Every expression he makes is completely unique & downright hilarious. His face when he's running on the grease is probably my favorite in this cartoon. The pepper gag is another fav of mine.
Thanks again!
I love the gopher model sheet. I really like simple looking characters that are nevertheless good for animating.
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Am I the only one who finds the scene where Spike dresses in gopher drag, a little disturbing?
Yeah, you get the feeling Spike's enjoying that a little too much.
The whole drag ruse always seems to be one of those schemes that is doomed from the start. "Great! I'm about to be gang-raped! My plan is working perfectly!"
The whole drag ruse always seems to be one of those schemes that is doomed from the start. "Great! I'm about to be gang-raped! My plan is working perfectly!"
dude youve been posting some awesome ass shit! i've got to catch up on it all, especially the Art Davis cartoons youve posted
Thanks Ryan, I've finally gotten around to scanning more stuff so that I can post a little more frequently than once a week. Where ya been? I'm waiting for some updates on your blog.
Man... I'm still laughing.. =D
Tex is a genius.
The "drag ruse" at the end of Garden Gopher was later adapted and variated by director Chuck Jones and writer Michael Maltese in a 1955 Road Runner cartoon (Ready, Set, Zoom), where in the final scene Wile E. Coyote disguised as a female road runner - and numerous coyotes popped up to pursue him.
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