Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dick Lundy - "Bird-Brain Bird Dog"

Another great Barney Bear short directed by Dick Lundy and animated by Walt Clinton and Grant Simmons. I've been way to busy to post but I'm going to try and pick up the pace a little over the next few weeks.


  1. I like how Barney Bear looks as if he has two permanently black eyes!
    MGM really designed their cartoon characters well.
    PS: I'm really sorry about the silly e-mail which I sent you a couple of weeks ago, Kevin. I have to admit I over-reacted a little... :(

  2. Hi, I would like to check out your ren and stimpy collection... can you send me a list? I am looking for the name of the piece in Blazing Entrails - the starting one(during stimpys routines :)). Plz drop a mail if you have....even just the name will suffice.
