Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Day At The Governor's Office

Politicians never cease to astound me.


  1. LOL! But hey, like you wouldn't use your clout as governor/politician/president to get a little play.

  2. Since my childhood exposure to Bill Ward's cartoons in Cracked Magazine I always thought that his drawings were kind of odd. He knew what made for a female bombshell, but there's something awkward in his style. It's a little on the ugly side, too.

    Oh, and paying for prostitutes is small potatoes in terms of political corruption. We now live in an era where lobbyists for corporations got to write the laws that were supposed to regulate the industries they represented, thanks to Tom Delay.

    Then there's our current President's impeachable offenses. So, in retrospect, I can't really get worked up over someone paying for sex, even though it's against the law.

  3. You'd think that being the governor he would have gotten a little for free. He is one ugly fuck though, that explains the high priced ho.

    J.J.- Yeah, getting whores is nothing compared what Bush and the rest of Congress have been doing for years. Look at the three assholes running for office now. That's the best this country could come up with?

    As for Bill Ward, I love his pinup work but I've seen loads of his bondage work and it's absolutely horrible in comparison. Just ugly, it's fits the subject matter.

  4. He is one ugly fuck though, that explains the high priced ho.


    I like Ward's pinup stuff too, like this. But his adult stuff is just gross, especially since it's pure pornography and not for humor.

  5. Il like how it appears that the lamps are peeking at the couple.

  6. Oh COOL! What a great style this guy is using, Bill Ward. That stylization mixed with the realistic shading is something else.
