Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pat Matthews

I've mentioned before how much I enjoy Pat Matthews animation so I decided to string a bunch of clips together. Matthews was great at musical scenes and really wild action, and of course all those women he animated. It's a shame Matthews doesn't seem to get more recognition as he truly deserves it. Shamus Culhane spoke highly, but only briefly of him is his book. Even in Walter Lantz's biography he only gets a passing mention. I found that surprising since Matthews was one of his top animators throughout the 40s. Thankfully Mark Mayerson and Thad Komorowski have given him the spotlight on their blogs with their animator IDs. Matthews went over to UPA after Lantz shutdown the studio in 1948, where he animated on such shorts as "Robin Hoodlum"and "Rooty Toot Toot". Some clips might be jump between Matthews and a different animator but for the most part it's all Matthews. Oh, and they're all clips from Lantz cartoons. At some point I'll try and put one together of his UPA stuff.

Uploaded by klangley


  1. Thank you for introducing me to this (to me) unknown animator. Oh, and I'm glad that you've enjoyed my Iwerks post, as well.

  2. I think I have a new #1 favorite. :)
    -Kasey Kockroach

  3. (whistles)... what skill!

    If it weren't for blogs like yours or Thad's, I'd never know about the creative masterminds behind these clasic cartoons from my childhood. Thanks, Kev!

  4. these are some freaking awesome screen grabs. i just bought the woody woodpecker dvd set - it kicks ass. i'm mega impressed with the content & how the swing symphonies were included. the only shame i can think of is that scrub me mama isnt on it.

  5. I love "Scrub Me Mamma" too but I got over it real quick after watching "Abu Ben Boogie" and "Greatest Man In Siam" over and over and over again. I hope there's another set some day. I'd love to have the rest of the Swing Symphonies.

  6. Who?? Pat Matthews??? Thank you once again Kevin for doing your homework and putting together some great screen shots and fantastic information that puts the spotlight on another great animatior that most never mention. It is great to see that there are a few who break the mold and are not afraid to talk of the other great animators in the field! I always enjoy your blog and feel it is not just entertaining, but also educational! Thanks my friend.

  7. Best.Blog.Ever

  8. Nice tribute to a great and underappreciated animator.

  9. one of the most inspiring clip collections I have ever seen! Every moment was a delight, I was smiling like crazy the whole time. I am no animator, but I love reading these blogs, and I hope I can appreciate excellent animation when I see it. He put so much life and feeling into every drawing and moved it so skillfully, wow!

    Amazing, thanks for making such a great compilation.

  10. Great tribute video, Kevin! But the lengthy scene with Buzz and Woody drinking from "Wild and Woody" is Ed Love's animation. All the other scenes are indefinitely Matthews' though!

  11. Thanks Thad, I wasn't too sure about that one. At times the eyes that Love draws looks to me a little like Matthews. I should've looked at the way the hands were drawn, I can usually spot a Love drawn hand right away.

    The other one I wasn't sure about totally was the scene from "Smoked Hams". It wasn't until Woody started beating the drum that I thought it might have been Matthews.

  12. In addition to Thad's comment, the very brief scene where the Italian Barbershop client is walking away saying, "coming, Mother" is Les Kline, not Matthews.

    Great tribute video!

  13. Thad is going to cream his pants over this- he loves masturbating with Woody Woodpecker's head!

    You seem to have the Woody fetish seeing as every post you make is about him sexually. What's the matter, anonymous, afraid of people finding out your secret shame?
