Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Donald and Pluto

A whole cartoon built around Pluto's ass. Fantastic. Check out the animator drafts from Hans Perk's collection if you want to know who did what. I had to enable comment moderation because of one man's erotic Woody Woodpecker fetish. Sorry.


  1. I don't really care for this one, but it's hard to believe only two guys almost animated the whole thing (Fred Spencer and Bill Roberts). Those guys were really skilled!

  2. So, is this a Donald, Pluto or Mickey cartoon? I don't get it. :/

  3. This is one I have never seen before! I enjoyed it overall, and as Thad stated, it is pretty amazing to see that most of the animation was completed by Fred Spencer and Bill Roberts. Also the links you provided were great, it was nice to be able to actually have the breakdowns of the animators who actually put this Disney short together, thanks for the efforts!

  4. hahaha i know this cartoon, i liked it very much when i was a kid (and still like it ^_^). i never knew it was almost animated by just 2 animators. wow! i wonder how much time it took...

  5. Never seen this before. Thanks for sharing. Definitely a cartoon that is purely visual, in its storytelling and its gags.
