Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tex Avery - "Lucky Ducky"

Here's some model sheets from "Lucky Ducky" and a clip to go along with them. The model sheets were drawn by Louis Schmitt who was an animator at Disney throughout the 30's and early 40's before going over to Columbia/Screen Gems. He drew the model sheets for most of Tex's cartoons made in 1948. I love the Duck's smart ass laugh.


  1. that was a good cartoon. i had never seen it. i'll have to see the whole thing someday.

  2. Thanks again for those great model sheets.

  3. Avery's staging, especially in this short, is deceptively simple. It's a combination of volumetric and flat elements, ingeniously blended. A great artist makes what he does look easy.

  4. Ohhhh these are great!!

    I was looking around for good model sheets and of course came back here :)

  5. very good cartoon. The striptease gag is brilliant.
