Friday, September 07, 2007

An Emery Hawkins Take

There's so many awesome drawings in this take from "Woody Dines Out" that I just had to post them. I don't think many people would argue that Hawkins draws the best looking Woody Woodpecker. Pat Matthews gets my vote for making Woody the most fun to watch but Hawkins' drawings are so perfect and solid.


Anonymous said...

Who would you say is your favorite animator? Hawkins is my #1 favorite.
-Kasey Kockroach

Kevin Langley said...

That's a tough one. I don't know if I can name one definitive favorite, so here's my favorites. Bobe Cannon, Irv Spence, Michael Lah, Jim Tyer, Hawkins, Rod Scriber, Art Davis, Ken Harris, Manny Gould, Marty Taras and Pat Matthews. I will say that Matthews is on top of the list, for now. I think all of those animators really stand out in most every cartoon they work on.

J. J. Hunsecker said...

Those framegrabs are great! Hawkins is in the top of his class.

Anonymous said...

Definately agree with you on Hawkins. Amongst all the other animators in one cartoon, his scenes would stand out like a moth in a dark room. :D

Duck Dodgers said...

Those frames would be great but DVNR destroyed them.
Kevin, the sequence is great! Good choice!

Thad said...

I wonder who cleaned this scene. The timing is excellent, but the drawing is kinda off.

Anonymous said...

a few color pops on Woody's neck. You can tell the ink and paint department didn't know what to make of these take drawings!

Thad said...

My comment should have read "cleaned up this scene". The cat's walk-in with the lion head is absolutely great as well.

Thad said...

so here's my favorites. Bobe Cannon, Irv Spence, Michael Lah, Jim Tyer, Hawkins, Rod Scriber, Art Davis, Ken Harris, Manny Gould, Marty Taras and Pat Matthews.
Great list! I'd also include Ward Kimball, Frank Thomas, and John Sibley, just to fill out the Disney end of the spectrum. And Johnny Gent over at Famous too.

Kevin Langley said...

I don't watch enough Disney shorts to really pick up on who exactly did what other than Fred Moore and sometimes Sibley. I should sit down and watch some with Hans Perk's drafts, maybe that'll help me pick up on some of the animators. I'm not exactly sure why but I like most of the Pluto shorts I've seen.

I like Johhny Gent too, I don't have many of the Famous Popeyes so I don't get too enjoy him as much as I'd like too.

Oh I forgot Ken Muse too :)

Doron Meir said...

Nice! :)

:: smo :: said...

that's ridiculous! such a crazy mix of cleanup and dry brush! how would you rough something like that??? i love it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin, my Ub Iwerks post is up!

Unfortunately, it seems that my Popeye post would take longer than expected.


Anonymous said...

I like the first Woody design,he looks really manic and crazy.Nice framegrabs

Michael J. Ruocco said...

Great take! Hawkins rocks!

To me, the first screengrab of Woody kinda has a Big Bird look to him. Almost like a Carol Spinney drawing or something. Oh well, there goes MY mind.

Meek said...

Hey thats my grandfather your talking about.