I love this cartoon, but then again I love all of Tex's. I kind of get the feeling this one gets overlooked compared to the attention some of his other shorts receive. I dunno, it cracks me up. Lem is awesome. I love stupid/goofy characters like that. The Daisy Lou design is great too. This model sheet was drawn by Claude Smith and it was probably one of the last he did for Tex, "Northwest Hounded Police" being the other. Notice some of those Lem drawings were used in the original printing of Preston Blair's Animation.

hey Kevin!
I just wanted to mention that this little guy of yours is tops!
Tom Smo mentioned he was from something you're working on? He looks like the epitome of a spazzy excited kid! Keep up the good work. Keen!
Hey, thanks Peter. I was working on a short with that little guy but I put it on hold until I feel I can do a better job animating the damn thing. It's funny because any other comment regarding him has been "he looks too much like Jimmy the Idiot" I don't see it but what do I know.
This is one of my favorite Tex Avery shorts.This has one of my favorite chase scenes. Thanks for sharing it.BTW, is there a Tex Avery cartoon you DON'T like? ;)
i really need to pick up those warner brother collections, these are gold
it was fun to watch this cartoon again, i remember seeing it a kid but never watched it as close now that im a newbie animator
BTW, is there a Tex Avery cartoon you DON'T like? ;)
Nope. Though I admit I don't really watch a lot of the older black and white Warner's stuff he directed that much.
This one is really awesome, indeed.
Thanks a lot for sharing
Thanks Kevin for this awesome post. It takes watching this piece a few times to be able to pick up all that is happening within such a short span of time. It seems like there is nothing Tex Avery couldn't do. What a hottie the nurse is! I was always told the best looking nurses work in the nursery or in pediatrics! Thanks for sharing such awesome works Kevin!
>>It's funny because any other comment regarding him has been "he looks too much like Jimmy the Idiot" I don't see it but what do I know.<<
That was I Kev,I think you should just change his head a bit than how he looked in the animatic and he would look different.but yeah, i didnt mean to discourage you or anything,just offering honest feedback my man-keep making it.What do I know you ask? What does anyone know?
---throws smoke bomb on ground with a loud bang and when purple smoke clears "tellinitlikeitis" is nowhere to be seen.
Oh, I'm not discouraged by your comment. I always appreciate constructive criticism. The drawings in the animatic were shit anyway. I do want to try and push the design a little bit more. But I think I need to improve more before I tackle that short again. Thanks for your honestly, seriously.
Hey Kevin. This is going a bit off topic, but I have a bit of a problem. Just click the link to my blog, then read my lastest post, then you will understand. Thanks
Kevin Langley himself said:
"....I love stupid/goofy characters like that".
Me too, and it makes a perfect companion to
"A Hick, A Slick, & A Chick".
Steve C.
Slicker is my favourite design here.
Reminds me of the city slicker in Little Rural Riding Hood aswell. Such a funny depiction of a suave and sophisticated slickster.
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