Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Colonel Bleep

Here's a load of screenshots from a few Colonel Bleep cartoons. I usually have little to no interest in some of the early made for TV cartoons. I prefer cartoons that actually have movement, but I do love the art from this show. Thankfully since there's little to no actual animation you get to catch a good glimpse of it while watching the show. Colonel Bleep was the first color cartoon made for TV.


  1. These designs are so cool! Wonder who drew them?

  2. These are a the artists listed on Toon Tracker: Patricia Dick, Fran Noack, Hal Lockwood, George Ghyssels. I'm not familiar with any of them. Good work though!

  3. Very hip indeed. I love this sort of animation, check out the
    book "Cartoon Modern" it's a great study of mid century animation.


  4. Do you have any links to these films

  5. Mark, here's the link to them on youtube.

    Colonel Bleep

    On DVD


  6. Very way out....this was the first color cartoon as noted here, ever done for TV, and possibly in terms both of production and those of broadcast [I debuted with Gumby in clay animaiton aorund that time in color on Howdy Doody!].

    ANd I don't recognize any of then either much less much about camera, music,etc.Done by a small Florida company. I haven't seen it on TV since the VERY early skixties, when I was still a Glendale toddler.Steve Carras

  7. these are the best drawings I have seen in ages

  8. Oh my GOD!! These screen shots are amazing. Talk about skillful design.

    I really like the hippo.

  9. On second viewing some of these remind me a LOT of Ren & Stimpy!

  10. @Ryan

    Yeah, John K. said that the director of Colonel Bleep, Jack Schleh is one of his heroes. I definitely see a lot of Bleep influence in Space Madness.

    Jerry Beck also interviewed Schleh in Animation Magazine but I have no clue which issue.

  11. I love these animated pictures of cartoons and I really like the creative art for the cartoons. These screen shots images are fine, talk about some other images also...
    list cartoon characters

  12. Why doesn't this have a proper DVD realease?

  13. Umm, the reason why this does not have a proper DVD release is because of this: Well, Jack Scheleh, the founder, was closing Soundac (the company that did this cartoon) in 1970 or so, and you see he moved all the company materials, original art, masters , negs and all, until later car thieves (keep in mind, there wasn't really such a thing as anti theft systems then) had stolen the van (with the entire company materials and all) and just ran off, the contents and the van itself have never turned up and more than likely the van and the company materials are more than likely to be destroyed and rotted out by now.

    So, you know what that means, this show and the Soundac materials are now lost defiantly forever, really sad, isn't it, but ain't it the truth, and a shame too, cause this show's technique and drawing and design style and the colors and stylings were SO COOL and dazzling, even the library theme cues used in this very show are cool, i wonder if they were indeed original themes or they were from a library production music company, think Capitol HI-Q.

  14. Excellent, I usedf to a see little bit in my first home, in GLendale, Calif.Im not familair with any of the artists one bit either. Sad story of what hapepned yhet some are prevered, as Youtube shows.Steve..Of course now, that Me an d Gumby rode off many times in clay around the same time-thank you, Art clokey, I feel gujilty about Colonel Bleep's obscurity..:SteveC
