Friday, October 08, 2010

Frank Frazetta - "Hucky Duck"

Here's a two page comic by Frank Frazetta from issue 19 of Barnyard comics published in 1948.


  1. I certainly hope you have more of Frank Frazetta's funny animal comic work somewhere. This stuff is pure genius.

  2. Ahh this is wicked!! thanks for posting!

  3. Most people probably prefer Frazetta when he does the fantasy-thing.

    Not me, I love seeing his cartoon work - such strong composition/layout skills!

    Gotta comment on your new banner - it reminds me of one I rejected for my (somewhat dormant) blog when I started. Good thing, huh?

  4. I only have a little of Frazetta's funny animal work. I love his fantasy stuff but this stuff if just as incredible.

    Jack- why haven't you been posting? I hope it's not because you haven't been drawing.

  5. Kevin: What a darn shame Frazetta got distracted from his true calling by that whole fantasy stick. This small, amazing taste brings to mind Jack Bradbury.

  6. interesting to see his cartoony stuff
