Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chuck Jones - "Scent-Imental Over You"

I realized I rarely post anything by Chuck Jones. What's up with that? Though I don't find all the Pepe Le Pew shorts to be that great I enjoy "Scent-Imental Over You" mostly for the design of the scrawny little thing below.


  1. Nice cartoon,Love it !!! Fifi has some resemblance to Audrey Hepburn

  2. Chuck Jones was the greatest of 'em all!!! (IMHO)

  3. Chuck Jones i his IMO his best period, the forties, puts a spin on the Pepe Le Pew series, though it's basically too early to call it a spin or series, being just the second, after "Odor-Able Kitty": the surprise ending here, and a male Pepe and male fake skunk in "Odor-Able Kitty", and this being the only one having dogs, [I think in "The Odor-Able Kitty", it wss a cat, only male] soon to be replaced forever by cats being dressed. This had the character billing for its reissue. The first also to have a female animal dress up as a skunk.
