Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tex Avery - "Half Pint Pygmy" Model Sheets

Here's two great model sheets drawn by Louis Schmitt from the last George and Junior short. While I like the character designs I don't think of them as George and Junior. Thad posted the cartoon as part of last Saturday's bowl of WTF so check it out there.


  1. While I'll admit that Geroge and Junior didn't need to be redesigned or re-voiced, I did enjoy the cartoon. This also the second time that Tex ended his recurring stars' careers by killing them off in their final picture.

  2. Thanks Kevin! I knew I'd seen the models before. They were in Canemaker's book, right? I need to pull that out of my boxes while home.

  3. ... it's great when you upload model sheets. Thank you!

  4. Yes, these are from Canemaker's book. You wouldn't happen to know if the original French version has more art than Canemaker's would you?

    Hi Diego, I'll try and keep 'em coming but I'm starting to run out of them.

  5. Nice design and all that but Tex made huge mistake in redesigning George and Junior. The original counterparts were so much better !
