Monday, June 30, 2008

Harvey Eisenberg - Cubby Scouts

Here's another great strip from Red Rabbit #5 drawn by Harvey Eisenberg.


  1. Wow! This story is a perfect example of how great staging and dynamic posing can turn the simplest idea into a really fun comic!

    I mean, it's just a couple kids playing in a suburban backyard, but it all looks so exciting and fun. That firt spalsh panel on page one sums it all up.

    Thanks a lot for posting this ^_^

  2. I couldn't agree more Sherm. There's nothing really laugh out loud here but the whole comic is just plain ol' fun. That splash panel is a dandy ain't it?

  3. Wonderful stuff. Keep it coming.

  4. Hey, Kevin. Did you receive my e-mail?

  5. Kevin:
    Soy un dibujante de Argentina y visito tu blog seguido, verdaderamente es fabuloso, disfruto mucho los viejos comics. Una vez mas mis felicitaciónes.

    Un abrazo, Fabián.

    PD: Perdón por escribirte en español pero no domino mucho el inglés.

  6. Thanks Fabian, I'm glad you enjoy the blog.
