Friday, May 23, 2008

HaHa Comics - Throckmorton

I'm posting this comic in hopes that someone will be able to tell me who the artist was. I'm curious to see if it was by an animator or not.


  1. I don't....i enjoyed the comics though.

  2. Hmm, I almost said Bob Wickersham, because the lettering style looks like his, but seeing the human characters, it definitely is not. They sort of look like they're from Friz Freleng's cartoons, so maybe Ken Champin, Manny Perez, or Hawley Pratt (all did comic work).

  3. Thanks Thad. What comics did Pratt work on?

  4. Not sure as I've only been told of Pratt's comic work by others. Barnyard Comics is a possibility.

    These stories don't have substance, but they're sure damn great to look at!

  5. I have no idea who did this one either.

    But, what I find interesting is that I can tell this was a rush job done by someone who knew what they were doing. They just didn't have time to really get in there and beef up the drawings (check out the Tyer one you posted below - it looks like Tyer had more time for his).

    So my guess is this is someone who was moonlighting comics work...
