Saturday, May 03, 2008

Dick Lundy - "Kiddie Koncert"

I love cartoons set strictly to music, so the Lantz Swing Symphonies series and Musical Miniatures are among my favorite cartoons to watch. Even if they're not loading with gags like a Tex Avery short. Here's Dick Lundy's "Kiddie Koncert" which is set to "Morning, Noon, and Night In Vienna".


  1. Wow, that was great! I absolutely LOVE the shorts set to music like that. I've seen a couple of Shamus Culhane's Swing Symphonies, and they are fantastic! Are there any DVD collections of musical shorts like this?

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  3. wow this is super awesome!!!! man a lot of cool designs in this!!! thanks for posting

  4. What saves this cartoon is the animation of Ed Love, Sid Pillett and whoever else was in the unit (was Ken O'Brien still there?)

    Most of the gags strike me as akin to those you'd find in an early '30s musical cartoon (like characters within horns within horns). But they're so well presented here.

    It's also a tour de force for Darrell Calker, showing he was comfortable with both classical and boogie-woogie arrangements.

    There's really no comparison between a cartoon like this and the other U-A releases with the stuff that Lantz produced when he re-opened and resumed releasing for Universal-International a few years later.

