Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dan DeCarlo...

... is amazing.


  1. I miss having sexy girls in cartoons...

  2. I don't know much about Dan DeCarlo, but these depictions of sexy women are simply incredible. Thanks for posting these, Kevin.

  3. Decarlo is awesome. Period.

    There's a real lack of sexy girls in cartoons these days. Why must they get rid of the great things in cartoons?

  4. Probrebly Because of the Hays Office trasition. they didn't approved on anything sexy or risque in cartoons (sad, isn't it?)

  5. Estos dibujos son similares a los modelos de "Archie" ¿Es el mismo?

  6. Yes, DeCarlo drew the Archie comics for years. Along with Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Josie and the Pussycats.

  7. Dan DeCarlo is one of those artistic gems that have recently resurfaced. There is a book,"The Pin up art of Dan DeCarlo,"That is an EXCELLENT artistic resource.

    Decarlo draws women with such delicious simplicity, and economical line quality, that you'll find yourself copying his lines over and over again just to find out how he does it.

    What's interestng about this serious is that the hot gurls are young, and the "suits" and "corporate types" who populate De Carlo's toons are "dirty old men" In our age of 20-30 something CEO's that seems almost strange. Thanks for posting this!

  8. It's very different to his Archie stuff.

    Dan de Carlo's girls are always great.

  9. All things aside, amazing linework.

  10. Dan DeCarlo is a PIG!
    I immediately recognized Betty and Veronica's face - but did any of you read the captions?
    It's the mindset like his that has made me (as a naturally voluptuous girl) and other girls and women like me, targets who can't help how we look. (There's a BIG difference between girls who just happen to develop the features he's emphasizing - and the wannabe's who run out and get plastic surgery because they want that kind of negative 'attention' from men who think like Dan DeCarlo...)
    Females are not objects; we're human beings.
    Females, even the ones with naturally large breasts and small waists and curvaceous hips and full lips DO have brains, and personally I'm appalled at the way I'm depicted, by Dan DeCarlo.

  11. I lucked out in two respects during my learning to draw pretty girls in my youth: I grew up a nudist kid(with a goodly coterie of cute females to draw for practice)and the pin-up work of Dan De Carlo.

  12. DeCarlo is pure cartooning, but at the level of a renaissance painter. A very rare talent-- raelly daunting and inspiring at the same time!

  13. This shit is crazy-sexist. Ugly, old, smug men & identical, dumb young females.

    Rape innuendo abounds
