Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Clampett Goodies

Here's a couple of extras from the Beany and Cecil DVD. I'm surprised how much it goes for now, I've seen it for upwards of 100 bucks. Glad I picked it up when I saw it for $10 when it came out. Here's some stop motion animation from 1938 and Bob's test footage for his proposed John Carter Of Mars theatricals.


  1. Man! I had no idea.

    How Clampett could do this while cranking out great stuff at his day job is beyond me.

  2. Wow thanks for posting this Kevin! I was one of the poor bastards who didn't pick it up for 10 bucks thinking I would be able to get it anytime :( Amazing stuff!

  3. That's interesting, I didn't realize the Beany&Cecil disc was so rare. I'm glad I picked it up back when it was first released - there are SO MANY extras it's incredible...

  4. Hi Marc, that's weird I was just over checking out you new site. Looks good.

    I didn't know it was or is either, I just happened to look it up and saw these outrageous prices. I was blown away when I saw all the extras. Clampett must have kept everything.

  5. Thanks for checking out the new site, Kevin.

    Yeah all the dvd extras just really show you that Bob was exploding with creativity 24-7. His test of a stop-motion walk cycle really blew me away - it looks like something George Pal would do!

  6. Clampett just keeps surprising me.

    Thanks for sharing!

  7. haha yeah dude, i totally paid 100 clams for it last winter
