Monday, September 03, 2007

Mickey Mouse - Basic Principles

... And yet, I still can't draw Mickey correctly.


  1. Hello Kevin,

    After many pencils and practice, practice, practice, I am finally beginning to feel I might be getting Mickey's genetic structure down, at least one can tell I am drawing a mouse! I hear that with continued practice, it does begin to take shape and will eventually the mouse form I have now, will begin to be transformed into Mickey. I write this to encourage you to keep up the practice, do not lose heart, by your willingness to draw, the rewards will follow, my friend! Thanks for this new sheet.

  2. He's so hard to draw correctly. Yet he's so deceptively simple!

    I guess if you had to draw a picture of your mother or father, you would notice every imperfection in it because you know them so well. It's the same with this famous little mouse in my opinion.
    Visit Andy's Animation!

  3. Mickey Mouse is the easiest character to draw...BADLY!

    Drawing an "on-model" Mickey is one of the hardest things for me to do. One wrong line & it automatically looks like a cheap bootleg knock-off. Same problems with Winnie the Pooh.

  4. Wasn't there a golden age animator who said "I can't draw Mickey Mouse for s***"?

  5. There whas one disney man who could draw Mickey the best, right? Wasn't it Fred Moore?

  6. There whas one disney man who could draw Mickey the best, right? Wasn't it Fred Moore?

    I personally like Fred Moore's Mickey the best. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Moore redesigned Mickey because he had trouble drawing the original design. I'm not sure of the source but I'll try and find where I read that.

  7. "...Moore redesigned Mickey because he had trouble drawing the original design"

    That would be interesting :) I hope you can find it.

  8. Well, drawing mickey is almost a profession in itself, isn't it...

  9. Great stuff, but aren't they too old? Mickey seems to have changed a little bit on some ear proportions or nose shape, if I'm not wrong.
