Monday, August 13, 2007

Popeye Model Sheets

I finally got the Popeye DVDs the other day, my wife gave it to me for our anniversary. Ain't she great. So now it's time to post some model sheets of Popeye and the gang. I have to thank The Masked Stinker for hooking me up with some model sheets that I didn't have and also much better copies of the ones I already had. Thanks Stinker! Here's the main players for now and I'll post some more real soon. These were drawn by animators Doc Crandall and Willard Bowsky. Read more about Doc Crandall in Ray Pointer's comments in this GAC forum thread.


  1. I got a copy of the 1976 edition of "The Fleischer Story", and it doesn't have that Wimpy model sheet their. Thanks for posting.

  2. Ahh, I was wondering when you were going to post some of these.

    Hope you have something to post that I haven't seen.

    I have a later edition of "The Fleischer Story" and that's where this Wimpy one comes from.

  3. I'm not sure if I have anything you haven't seen. You actually gave me stuff I hadn't seen.

  4. Thanks for the info. So which one should I pick up? The 76' edition, or the late 80's edition? I only ask this, because I got to return the 76 ed. at my local library soon...

  5. Thanks for the info. So which one should I pick up? The 76' edition, or the late 80's edition?

    I don't know much about the '76 version.

    In the forward to the '88 edition to Leslie Cabarga says the '76 version makes it look like Max didn't do anything. And he changed the text to give Max more credit.

    Don't know if any other images were added besides the Wimpy one I mentioned.

  6. It's really worthwhile to have both editions. There are illustrations in the original edition that aren't in the revised edition and vice-versa. I haven't read the 1976 edition yet, so I don't know how much of the text was changed.
