Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Art Davis - "Dog Gone Cats"

Here's another Art Davis short "Dog Gone Cats" starring Sylvester. I always loved the big nosed Sylvester, like in the Clampett cartoons and I'm glad it carried over to this Davis short.


  1. Once again, thanks a bunch. This is my personal favorite of all Art Davis cartoons.

  2. Your welcome. This is a great cartoon. The whole scene at Uncle Louis at the end is great. Sylvester's walk cracks me up.

  3. C'mon, Kevin! "Mouse Menace" next!

  4. Yeah! Bring on Mouse Menace! After that, I would've seen all of Davis' cartoons!

  5. Great cartoon, thanks for posting it! Bill Melendez did a lot of funny animation in this cartoon.

    Sylvester's goofy design & personality in this cartoon is odd, but it comes off really funny here. I agree with you that his walk is a real laugh-getter.

    The thing that really bothers me is at the end... Uncle Louie's mailbox actually says "Uncle Louie" on the side. Does he go around town saying "Call me Uncle Louie" for the mailman's sake or what?

  6. God I whish Art Davis made more cartoons ! I too love the this Sylvester design,just plain goofy.

  7. Emery Hawkins did some great stuff in this one, especially with Sylvester. He drew the big nosed Sylvester this way in a few Friz cartoons, like "All A-Bir-r-r-d"

    This is also the first cartoon Lloyd Turner ever wrote, and it was done without the help of Bill Scott.

    Art Davis needs his own disc and a documentary ala Frix On Film on a Looney Tunes DVD. Screw anyone who says he wasn't a great director.

