Friday, June 15, 2007

Tex Avery - "Happy Go Nutty"

Here's yet another Screwy cartoon. They're all so damn funny, enjoy.


  1. This is the single greatest Screwy Squirrel, in my opinion.

  2. Great cartoon! I loved when Cartoon Network ran this all day one year on April Fool's Day. Whatever happened to those times?

  3. I remember that too, Thad!

    I have to admit, this is probably my favorite Screwy cartoon, because it's sooooo screwy, & because it has some of my favorite gags all in one cartoon.

  4. this was one of my favorite cartoons from my childhood. when i was six i would rent "Tex Avery's Screwball Classics 2" every single weekend (the other volumes too).

  5. Just to start a conservation, do you happen to have a fav director, klangley? It seems that the choice is leaning towards Tex Avery. My all-time fav would happpen to be Art Davis.

  6. Yeah, Tex is far and away my all time favorite. His MGM shorts are everything I want in a cartoon.

    I really love Art Davis' cartoons, though I don't think I've seen much outside of his Warner stuff. The first time I saw "Riff Raffy Daffy" I stopped it halfway through to check out who was the director. I love that cartoon and it made check out his other stuff. His animation is great too.

    As for other directors I flip flop all the time. Sometimes I think Jones is right below Tex. Other times it's Clampett or Tashlin and Shamus Culhane's Lantz shorts are brilliant, IMO, so he's always tops to me. I'm real fond of Dick Lundy too.

  7. Do you happen to have a favorite cartoon that he did? My all-time favorite Tex Avery shorts happens to be Northwest Hounded Police & Screwy Truant.

  8. Favorite? That's tough, they're all so great. I guess maybe Rock-A-Bye Bear or possibly The Shooting Of Dan McGoo. I love that one. Most of the Spike shorts too. See, I can't choose just one. If I had to name just one I guess it's Rock-A-Bye Bear. For now at least.

    You're faves are some great choices too. Do you like Tex's Lantz shorts? I think they're great even if they're not quite as good as the MGM shorts. Mixed Up Pup has been cracking me up since I was a kid. I can't wait for that Woody set next month.

  9. Of course I love his Lantz shorts! Its impossible to NOT love anything Tex Avery! Legend of Rock a Bye Point has to be one best shorts he ever did. Only Avery could use a plot he's used several times and make it even better! Also, my other all-time favorite Avery shorts happen to be:
    Happy Go Nutty
    Who Killed Who?
    Blitz Wolf
    Screwball Squirrel
    Magical Maestro
    But if I had to choose one, it would be "Screwy Truant" without a doubt. Screwy Squirrel is my all-time favorite character, even though he only lasted 5 cartoons, I still love him.

  10. Do you happen to enjoy "George & Junior" series at all? It seems i'm the only fan of this series that lasted even shorter then the Screwy Squirrel series.

  11. Oh I love the George and Junior shorts. Don't worry I'll be getting around to posting some clips and model sheets from those shorts. I love George's voice.

  12. My favorites are Slap Happy Lion, Little Tinker and Doggone Tired. I've got other favorites too but those three are definitely at the top of my list.
