Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Tex Avery - "Cock-A-Doodle Dog"

Here's a clip, some layout drawings and screenshots of the corresponding scenes from another Tex Avery classic starring Spike. I'm not sure who was doing the layouts for Tex around the time of this short. I'm too lazy right now to go look it up. Anyway, I like reading all the notes on the layouts intended for John Johnson when painting the finished backgrounds. Anyone know if those notes are from Tex or the layout artist? Also, the last two layout drawings are from a scene that's not in the cartoon I have. Was there any cuts made to this short or maybe it's from a scene that never made it past layout? I can't remember ever seeing that scene.


  1. Whatever happend to the Screwy Squirrel posts? Keep em coming!

  2. Gosh, but Tex really liked to flog that "Timmmm... BUR" gag, eh?

  3. I don't know if it's because I'm an idiot but I've only just noticed how many cartoons are based around a character trying to get some rest and being irritated by a repetitive annoyance such as the cockrel. I guess it's because it's something we can all relate to.

    Loved this cartoon by the way!

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  4. anonymous- Don't worry I'll get back to them. I just had to encode the other ones.

  5. AWESOME layouts! this is another pretty hilarious "sleep deprived" cartoon. my fav part is when the rooster, at the end, is all mega tired & slooooowwwwwllllyyy/ sleepily zombies back into his rooster house & nestles in all hilariously into a super comfortable position

    i can't believe how many times they reused that "TIIMMMM---bur" gag. its ridiculous. its been in like 5 or 6 cartoons. off the top of my head its been in The Circus Droopy episode, Wags To Riches, Droopy's Good Deed, The Racecar Droopy episode (i think) & this episode. i'm probably leaving some out..

  6. I love when the rooster keeps popping out of the wod knot hole and the he punches him in the eye. Classic stuff!!!

  7. Did you upload the full cartoon, man? It ends with the rooster getting slapped back on the face with a boot and falling off .. and the dog's going "cock a doodle doo" for all he's worth

    The cartoon seems to end halfway through, on dailymotion.

  8. Suresh- Nah, it's not the whole cartoon. It's mostly of the funniest gags and the parts that coincide with the layout drawings I posted.

  9. Man I just love this blog!!
    Where is the RSS feed?

  10. A shame you didn't upload the whole cartoon. It's one of my fave Tex Avery Cartoons, espicially the end gag.

    I just noticed, however, the scenes of the dog pulling the horse's tail. Was that originally part of the cartoon?

  11. Sweet! Tex Avery shorts :) Spike is one of favorite characters!

  12. Chris- I'm not sure about that scene. Those are the layout drawings but I don't recall seeing that scene. I was hoping that posting them would get me an answer.

  13. I'm trying to remember about an old cartoon about a cat and a dog, where de cat needs to be playing a game with cards all the time (The cards! The cards!!) and dog makes the cat suffer playing games that the dog invents, like "William Tell" and others. I don't remember neither the name of the cat nor the dog. If someone remembers the names and who made the cartoon, please help me!!
