Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Slap Happy Lion

It's been about a week since my last post so I figured I'd start up again with some pics from Tex Avery's hilarious short "Slap Happy Lion". This cartoon is packed with some really great and wild animation, definetly some of my favorite of all time. The model sheet was drawn by Irv Spence but I'm not sure who drew the different animation drawings. I've also uploaded the scene that corresponds with these animation drawings, sorry for the crappy quality though. Check back later this week for the rest of the stuff I scanned from "Slap Happy Lion"


  1. Thanks so much for posting this stuff. SLAP HAPPY LION is a near perfect cartoon. The model sheets on Avery's production are so exquisite, they're articles of beauty in their own right.

  2. I'm glad you guys like the post. I have to say that I rarely find anything in a Tex Avery cartoon I don't like. He's a one of a kind.

  3. Oh man this is so funny. I laughed my ass off once again. Talk about extremes.
