Saturday, May 06, 2006

Drag-a-long Droopy

Here's a true Tex Avery classic, Drag-a-long Droopy. I love how Droopy is the "star" in so many of Tex' cartoons yet most of the time it wouldn't matter if he was even in it. For instance, in this one he's lying down reading a comic book while his gun's do the shooting all by themselves. I'm pretty sure that Frank Graham is still voicing the Wolf, in any case what a performance. From "whadda y'all mean bah bah bah" to "SHOOT 'IM DOWN, SHOOT 'IM DOWN" he's brilliant. One of my favorite voice actors. Tex has to be one of the best comedic film makers ever, regardless of whether it's animation or live action. I can't think of anyone who can cram more gags, good ones no less, into a film than him. Anywho, here's a couple of layouts from the picture too and thanks to everyone for the nice comments. Hopefully I won't run out of stuff to post for some time.

On an somewhat related note. I picked up this Tex Avery Soundtrack some time ago. It's a French import I believe. For the most part it's like listening to the entire short with sound effects and dialogue. Except there are a couple of songs that are missing dialogue and certain effects that can be heard in the actual short, like Drag-a-long Droopy. Anyone happen to know more about this CD or even the actual recording process used by MGM at the time? I'm very curious. I would kill to get my hands on some of Scott Bradley's music without the effects and dialogue. I don't think MGM's cartoons would have been so great without his contributions. Here's the cover.


  1. It's the lllllaaaaaaawwwwww of the west! Classic!

  2. Kevin - There's a cd of 20+ Bradley scores, from Tom & Jerry and Avery shorts, coming out later this year. No dialogue or sfx, just the music. Daniel Goldmark, author of TUNES FOR 'TOONS, is working on it. Should be an awesome set.

    Also, great blog. Always a lot of fun to see what you're posting.

  3. Thanks for the head's up. Can't wait for it now.
