Friday, May 19, 2006

Character Sketches

Just a couple of rough character sketches for an idea I have. I'm still working on the character designs though. I like the girl's big round forehead.


  1. Hey, here's some lovin' for your girl character -- a wonderfully designed and expressive cartoon girl who's attractive by virtue of being relatively normal... unlike a lot of the cheap, more extreme and frankly sexist caricatures I'm seeing a lot of the time these days.
    I can tell you're inspired by ALL THE CATS JOIN IN, one of my favorites that you've already singled out for (well deserved!) praise.

  2. Thanks, I was hoping she'd get some lovin'. I didn't feel the need to draw her with her various fleshy parts hanging about. I don't get too much feedback here so your compliment is much appreciated.
