Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon DVD!!!!

I'm a huge fan of John K and Spumco's work and I almost shit (it turned out to be just a really wet fart) when I saw the announcement recently that Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon is coming to DVD. John K. posted some clips of the unaired Ren and Stimpy episodes on his blog. Check them out and pre-order the DVD. I loved APC when it aired and have been dying for the unaired episodes. The crew he assembled really seemed to start rolling with the unaired episodes. It's a shame more weren't made. BUY THE DVD AND MAYBE THERE WILL BE MORE MADE! TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Check out John's Blog it's so inspiring and informative.

John K. Stuff

Since I'm plugging away already, please check out the links to Wil Branca's cartoon New World Order. It looks like it's going to be one great cartoon when it's done. While your at it check out Nick Cross' Plog documenting his work on his cartoon The Waif Of Persephone. His work speaks for itself. Both of them worked on Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon and are great cartoonists in their own right.

I feel kinda cheap and dirty now, but it's for a good cause.

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