Friday, March 10, 2006

New Pencil Test Goodness (now with music)

I went back and corrected a couple of things. The arm speed was bothering me so I took out an inbetween and started the arm lifting a little later than in the original test. I used Photoshop to edit the files I already had scanned and just separated the arms from the original drawings and dropped them on later frames. It seems better to me. This time the test is a Flash file even though I'm not using Flash. I just imported the avi and published it in order to cut down on the file size. Just give the file second or two to load in it's entirety, I need to find a good free file hosting service. If your wondering, that wonderful music in that background is the beginning to a Yma Sumac song Taki Rari. Yma probably has the most incredible vocal range the world has ever seen, and the music backing her is great. Any critques would be welcome.


  1. OMG! Good for a laugh! You just experimenting or is that a part of something you're working on? Happy Birthday to the guys!

  2. No that's going to be part of it. There's a swarm of bees chasing Goob and that dope spotted him. I'm going to try and finish the rest of the scene this week (hopefully). I'll post it when it's done or close to done. Thanks Joe, we got them their first bikes for their B-day. Kevin can now begin his journey into extreme sports stardom. Thank god for good health insurance.

  3. Hey Kevin,

    I finally downloaded it. Looks great!
